3. Arithmetic for Computers > 3-1. Addition and Subtraction

Addition and Subtraction

Updated at 2022.10.05

Addition & Subtraction

Addition: just do the binary addition with given numbers
Subtraction: do the binary addition with the negation of the second operand

Half adder

1-bit adder without carry-input

  • Input: two one bit-data A, B
  • Output: sum(S), carry(C)

Full adder

1-bit adder with carry-input

  • Input: two one bit-data A, B, carry(Cin_{in})
  • Output: sum(S), carry(Cout_{out})

Circuit design for addition and subtraction

N-bit parallel binary adder

  • Initial carry input is 0
  • The i-th adder waits for the carry until it is generated by the (i-1)-th adder

Adder with subtraction (in two's complement)

  • Subtract = 0 or 1 (if subtract == 1, Bi_i is inverted)
  • Subtract is also added as the initial carry (if subtract ==1, 1 is added)


Overflow occurs when computation results are too large (out of range)

When does it occur?

  • Add two positives or negatives + the sign of result is different with sources
  • Subtract a negative from a positive + the sign of result is 1
  • Subtract a positive from a negative + the sign of result is 0

How to detect Overflow?

  • Use add, addi, sub instructions
  • They cause exceptions on overflow
    • A program jumps to predefined exception handler address
  • e.g., Fortran does not allow overflows. So MIPS Fortran compilers always use add, addi, sub

How to ignore Overflow?

  • Use addu, addui, subu instructions (u means unsigned)
  • They do not cause exceptions on overflow
  • e.g., C ignores overflows. So MIPS C compilers always use addu, addui, subu