3. Arithmetic for Computers > 3-3. Division


Updated at 2022.10.06


If the length of Dividend and Divisor is M and N,
the length of Quotient \leqq M - N + 1 & the length of Remainder \leqq N

  • In MIPS-based computers, 32 bits are used to represent both Dividend and Divisor.
    Therefore, the length of both Quotient and Remainder \leqq 32

Optimized version of the division HW

  • 32-bit divisor register / ALU
  • 64-bit remainder register (dividend and quotient shares a register with remainder)
    • HI: Remainder
    • LO: Quotient


  • 0 is stored in the left half of the Remainder register
  • The value of dividend is loaded into the right half of the Remainder register
  • The value of divisor is loaded into the Divisor register

Division Algorithm


When N = 4 (4-bit ALU / divisor, 8-bit product), 7÷37 \div 3

  • should be repeated as many bits + 1 as it is

Signed division

Do division after converting both divisor & dividend to positives
After the division

  • Negate the quotient only if the signs of the divisor and dividend are different
  • Remainder's sign follows Dividend's sign


  • div rs, rt / divu rs, rt : do $rs / $st
    • The result (remainder and quotient) is stored in HI / LO
    • No overflow or divide-by-0 checking


  • Initially, the value in $t0 (dividend) is loaded into the LO register
  • Initially, $t (divisor) is used as the divisor register
  • Then, do the division and store the remainder and quotient to HI and LO registers

Summary: Design for arithmetic operations

Addition & Subtraction

Use the same HW for addition and subtraction

  • 32-bit parallel adder
  • Additional XOR operators + subtract bit

Multiplication & Division

Use the same optimized HW for Multiplication and Division

  • A single 32-bit register for multiplicand and divisor
  • A single 32-bit ALU
  • HI and LO registers for the results of multiplication and division