3. Arithmetic for Computers > 3-2. Multiplication


Updated at 2022.10.06


If a multiplicand and a multiplier have m and n digits, the product has at most m + n digits

  • MIPS-based computers use 32-bit word for the arithmetic operations
  • The product in MIPS-based computers has at most 64 digits

Optimized version of the multiplication HW

  • 32-bit multiplicand register / ALU
  • 64-bit product register (multiplier shares a register with product)
    • HI: most significant 32 bits
    • LO: least significant 32 bits
    • Actually, there is one more bit in the left of the product register to hold the carry out of the adder


  • 0 is stored in the left half of the product register
  • The multiplier value is loaded into the right half of the product register
  • The multiplicand value is loaded into the multiplicand register

Multiplication Algorithm


When N = 4 (4-bit ALU / multiplicand, 8-bit product), 2×32 \times 3

  • should be repeated as many bits as it is

Signed multiplication

Do multiplication after converting both multiplicand & multiplier to positives

  • For 31 iterations (except a sign bit)
  • After the multiplication, negate the result (if it is required)

Better solution: Booth's Algorithm

  • Supports multiplication of two's complement signed numbers in a more efficient way
  • Requires almost same hardware with the multiplication of unsigned numbers


  • mult rs, rt / multu rs, rt (rs: multiplicand, rt: multiplier)
    • The result (product) is stored in HI / LO
  • mfhi rd / mflo rd
    • Move from HI / LO to rd

Example: mult $t0, $ t1

  • $t0 (multiplicand) is used as the Multiplicand register
  • Initially, the value in $t1 (multiplier) is loaded into LO register
  • Then, do the multiplication and store the 64-bit product to HI and LO registers