4. The Processor > 4-3. A single-cycle datapath

A single-cycle datapath

Updated at 2022.10.14

Single-cyle datapath

Whole structure of Processor

Signal with controller

A single-cycle datapath executes instructions in one clock cycle with a clocking methodology.
We will study how this works according to instructions


  • don't need to access memory
    • MemRead = 0
    • MemtoReg = 0
    • MemWrite = 0
  • have to update value of rd register
    • RegDst = 1
    • RegWrite = 1
  • PC just have to be updated +4
    • branch = 0
  • ALU control determines the arithmetic type according to ALUOp and func code of instruction


  • need to access memory and read data
    • MemRead = 1
    • MemtoReg = 1
    • MemWrite = 0
  • have to get value from memory to rs field (destination)
    • RegDst = 0 (rs to destination)
    • RegWrite = 1
  • PC just have to be updated +4
    • branch = 0
  • ALU control determines the arithmetic type according to ALUOp
  • offset is extended from 16-bit to 32-bit by Sign-extend unit and added with Read data 1 (base addr)


  • don't need to access memory
    • MemRead = 0
    • MemtoReg = 0
    • MemWrite = 0
  • Calculate target address
    • extend the offset to 32 bit and shift left twice (multiply 4)
    • add with PC + 4
  • RegDst doesn't matter

More about: jump

  • Calculate target address
    • offset is extended to 28-bit
    • concatenate with 0000
  • Jump signal = 1