4. The Processor > 4-4. Pipelining overview

Pipelining overview

Updated at 2022.10.27

Because the longest delay determines clock period, a single-cycle implementation is not used today
It violates "make the common case fast"

Pipelining overview

With the pipelined approach, the speed up can be equal to the number of stages in an ideal case

  • A single task is divided into N stages
  • Each stage takes teh same amount of time T
  • There are M tasks, where M is large enough

To complete all the tasks

  • In non-pipelined approach, we need N×M×TN \times M \times T times
  • In pipelined approach, we need (N+M1)×TM×T(N + M - 1) \times T \approx M \times T time
Time  between  taskspipelined=Time  between  tasksnonpipelinedNumber  of  pipeline  stagesTime\;between\;tasks_{pipelined} = \frac{Time\;between\;tasks_{non-pipelined}}{Number\;of\;pipeline\;stages}

Stage in pipeline

For different stages, different resources are used.

  • Stage 1: IF (Fetching an instruction from memory)
  • Stage 2: ID (Decoding the instruction and read registers)
  • Stage 3: EX (Executing operation or calculating address)
  • Stage 4: MEM (Accessing data in data memory)
  • Stage 5: wB (Writing the result back into a register)

Compared to the single-cycle processor

Compared to the single cycle processor, clock period in pipelined processor is determined by the longest stage time.

Time  between  instructionspipelined=the  longest  stage  time×(the  number  of  instructions+the  number  of  stages1)Time\;between\;instructions_{pipelined}= the\;longest\;stage\;time \times (the\;number\;of\;instructions + the\;number\;of\;stages - 1)

If there are a lot of instructions to be executed,

Time  between  instructionspipelined=Time  between  instructionsnonpipelinedthe  longest  instruction  timethe  longest  stage  timeTime\;between\;instructions_{pipelined} = \frac{Time\;between\;instructions_{non-pipelined}}{\frac{the\;longest\;instruction\;time}{the\;longest\;stage\;time}}

Hazards in Pipelining

  • Structural hazards
    • When a required resources is busy
  • Data hazards
    • When we need to wait for previous instruction to complete its data read/write operation
  • Control hazards
    • When we need to make a control decision differently depending on the previous instruction

Structural hazards

When a required resource is already used for executing an other instruction

  • IF and MEM stages can request to use the same resource at the same time
  • it is required to separate instruction / data memories
    • IF and MEM stages use different part of memory (instruction memory, data memory)

Data hazards

When an instruction depends on the completion of data access by a previous instruction

Solution: Forwarding
Instead of waiting for the target date to be stored in a register,
forward the data as soon as possible with extra connections

Load-use data hazards

But, sometimes, we cannot avoid stalls by forwarding

Solution: code scheduling
Reorder code to avoid the load-use data hazards (done by compiler)

before code scheduling

after code scheduling

Control hazards

Hazards with branch instructions
We should wait until branch outcome is determined before fetching the next instruction

Solution: Compare registers and compute target early in the pipeline

  • Especially, by adding hardware to do it in ID stage
  • But, still there is one pipeline bubble

Solution: branch prediction With additional HW for early comparison and computation in ID stage

  • just fetch instruction with no bubble
    • if prediction correct: keep going
    • if prediction incorrect: cancel the process & add bubble


Pipelining improves performance by increasing instruction throughput

  • Executes multiple instructions in parallel
  • The execution time of each instruction is not affected

Pipeline hazards

  • Structural hazards
    • Solution: separate data / instruction memories
  • (Load-use) Data hazards
    • Solution: forwarding + code scheduling
  • Control hazards
    • Solution: early comparison & computation + branch prediction