4. The Processor > 4-1. Processor Overview

Processor Overview

Updated at 2022.10.11


I will focus on handling a subset of core MIPS instructions (MIPS subset)

  • The arithmetic-logical instructions: add, sub, and, or, slt
  • The memory-reference instructions: lw, sw
  • The conditional instructions: beq, jump

Logic design basics

In the MIPS implementation, the datapath elements consist of

  • Combinational elements
    • Operate on data values
    • Given inputs, a combinational element produces outputs
    • e.g., ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit), Adder, Multiplexer, AND-gate
  • State (sequential) elements
    • Contain state
    • They have some internal storage
    • e.g., instruction and data memory, registers

Combinational elements work with state elements

  • Getting inputs from state elements
  • Giving outputs to state elements

Clocking methodology

When data can be read and written is determined relative to the clock
In this book, we assume "Positive edge-triggered clocking methodology"

Combinational elements works with state elements
In a single clock cycle = between clock edges = between rising edges

  • At one rising edge, combinational elements read inputs from state elements
  • Before the next rising edge, combinational elements complete operations and produce outputs
  • At the next rising edge, state elements are updated with the outputs
  • The longest delay determines clock period

State elements with two inputs

State elements (e.g., registers) take two inputs: update data and a clock signal
Based on the clock signal, it is determined when to update the data

In positive edge-triggered clocking methodology,
Update the data at rising edges (when the clock signal changes from 0 to 1)

State elements with three inputs

State elements take three inputs: update data and a clock signal with write control
Based on the clock signal and the write control, it is determined when to update the data

In positive edge-triggered clocking methodology,
Update the data at rising edges + when the write control input is 1